

Presentation of four Family Tree Awards will be among the highlights Saturday during Family Day at Chadron State College.

许多其他活动也被安排, including a football game Saturday afternoon and volleyball matches Friday and Saturday nights. The players on both CSC teams and their parents will be introduced prior to the contests. The members of the band and Golden Eagle dance team and the cheerleaders and their parents will be introduced at halftime of the football game.

Also on tap this weekend is a reunion of “Purple Passion,” Chadron State’s most active alumni group. About 30 are expected to attend with a picnic at Chadron State Park Friday evening and a catered dinner at the West Hills Inn Saturday night scheduled. 这将是该组合的第34次重聚, which had its first meeting at the state park in the late ‘40s when several of them were about to graduate. 最初的成员大多是二战老兵.

Family Day will coincide with numerous activities being planned by Chadron merchants on West Second Street on Saturday. 其中包括一个农贸市场, display of antique farm equipment and Native American memorabilia during the morning and a street dance beginning at 8 p.m.

Tours of Chadron in wagons pulled by horses from Fort Robinson State Park will originate from the Student Center at CSC from 9 to 11 a.m.

白天会有很多吃的. The CSC Music Department is hosting a pancake breakfast at the Masonic Hall at Fourth and Main from 7 to 10 a.m. while a Western barbecue will be available in the Student Center from 10:30 a.m. 到1p.m.届时,与明尼苏达州贝米吉州立大学的橄榄球比赛将开始.

排球赛将与丹佛地区的两支球队进行. 老鹰队将于周五晚上迎战科罗拉多矿业队, 7点开始, 周六晚上6点开始.

Family Tree Awards are presented to families that have had at least three generations attend CSC. 其中两个家庭来自迦德隆. 他们是卡森夫妇和塞耶夫妇. Also to be honored are the Briggs family that was originally from around Antioch east of Alliance and the Franklin and Downer family from Scotts Bluff and Banner Counties



The potash boom in the Sandhills east of Alliance during World War I made it possible for the children of Dave and Margaret Briggs to attend Chadron State. 布里格斯位于安提阿北部的牧场含有这种矿物, 哪些被制成火药和其他炸药.

玛格丽特1922年毕业,塞莱斯廷1927年毕业,伯纳德1933年毕业. Bernard’s wife, Vera, earned a degree from CSC in 1962, mostly by taking off-campus courses. 他们的儿子, 不, 第二年从CSC毕业,然后教了35年书, 其中30个在柯蒂斯的梅迪辛谷高中, 他和他妻子雪莉还住在那里吗.

另一个儿子, 大卫, 谁经营家庭牧场, 没有参加CSC, 但是他的妻子, 以前的菲利斯·吉恩, 1959年毕业.

两对夫妇的女儿都是CSC的校友. 唐和雪莉的女儿海蒂是1991年的毕业生. 她和丈夫斯科特·洛斯罗普住在爱荷华州的悉尼. 大卫 and Phyllis’s daughter, Kim, graduated in 1995 and lives in Bellevue.


Barb Carson began attending Chadron State soon after the family moved from South Dakota to Chadron. 她于1969年获得学士学位, taught special education and was the high school librarian in Pine Ridge for about 10 years, then was in charge of the curriculum library in the Reta King Library at CSC for 21 years. 她已于5月退休. 在大学工作期间,她获得了一个专业学位.

Two of her children, Sheryl and Michael, hold both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees from CSC. 谢丽尔开始在怀俄明州的谢里登教书., this fall after serving as the county extension educator in Sheridan County, Neb.,八年. 迈克尔是怀俄明州道格拉斯的一名铁路工程师.

谢丽尔的女儿米基今年5月从CSC毕业. 她现在在海斯普林斯南部姑姑和叔叔的农场工作, but plans to continue her education in the health professions in the near future.


Three Franklin girls who grew up near McGrew form the first generation of this family tree. 罗伯塔最初于1931年进入CSC, taught in rural schools and was a librarian in Lincoln before living most of her adult life in Texas. By taking correspondence courses, she graduated from CSC in 1987, 56 years after she’d matriculated. Betty graduated in 1939 and taught at four years at Banner County High School in Harrisburg and 26 years at Melbeta. Margie graduated in 1945 and taught three years in Sidney and 34 years in the Banner County Schools.

贝蒂和玛吉都嫁给了唐纳家的男孩. 阿尔和贝蒂·唐纳的女儿是第二代. Alice graduated in 1967 and has taught sixth grade in Gering ever since. 她嫁给了杰瑞·怀恩曼. Mary Jo earned her bachelor’s degree from CSC in 1966 and her master’s degree in 1970. 她在格林教书, Banner County and Chadron High Schools and at Chadron State before becoming the Box Butte County superintendent of schools. After that position was eliminated, she became the principal for two rural schools in the county. 她已故的丈夫, 杰瑞·霍夫曼, graduated from CSC in 1962 and taught and coached at several Panhandle schools. 他们的儿子 Willie earned his bachelor’s degree from CSC in 2002 and expects to received his master’s degree in December.

阿尔和贝蒂·唐纳的儿子哈尔于1973年就读于CSC. 他的儿媳妇, 哈里森的前凯莉·塞姆罗斯卡, 2001年毕业于CSC和他的女儿, 多丽, 目前正在注册.


Nancy Moody Sayer earned her bachelor’s degree from Chadron State in 1962 and her master’s degree in 1967. She taught in the Chadron Schools 32 years, mostly as a kindergarten teacher in Kenwood. While her husband, Rolland, has not been a student at CSC, he knows a lot about the college. He helped construct or has assisted with major renovation projects on about a dozen campus buildings.

他们的三个孩子都是CSC毕业生,其中两个在学院工作. Deb Keim has been the office assistant for the vice president of academic and student affairs for 26 years while Lori Hunn is an education instructor and director of field experiences. 杰夫是瓦伦丁的一名中学科学老师.

哈维和黛布·凯姆的两个孩子都是CSC的优等生. 萨拉参加了RHOP项目,现在正在攻读博士学位.D. in genetics, cell biology and anatomy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. Casey graduated in 2003 and is a graduate assistant in the CSC Business Department.

-Con Marshall,新闻总监

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